Wednesday, June 1, 2011

And the Show will go on!

The "show" being the West Springfield Stamping Arts Festival on June 4th and 5th.  And why you might ask am I so excited about that?  First of all, you out-of-staters may have heard that we had some tornadoes touch down today.  And where did some of them touch down?  Well, West Springfield, of course.  Fortunately, we were just notified that the fairgrounds at the BigE were untouched by the storm and subsequent devastation.  So the show will go on!  Yay!

The other reason I'm so excited is because  I'll have my very own booth there to show off my little "invention", the E-Z BowZ bow making tool!  Yep, I've gone entrepreneurial!  It seemed that so many of my students were bow challenged that something had to be done about it.  Enter a new type of bow making device called E-Z BowZ.

Briefly, I created a totally self-contained bow making tool that is so easy to use that a 7 year old can use it!  Many of the stores in Massachusetts and Rhode Island have been carrying them for a while now and have enjoyed tremendous success with them.  So I'll be testing the waters a bit further by bringing my invention to the Stamping Arts Festival this weekend.

Here's a quick look at the E-Z BowZ, but there will be more information released at a later date on this.  I am working toward offering them on my blog for the general public, but must get a few things into place before I do.

We have a patent pending in place which will now allow me to go forth and multiply (lol).  I'll be happy to answer any questions regarding the E-Z BowZ, but you'll have to email me.  I look forward to hearing from everyone.

See you in West Springfield!
Ciao for now.
Ciao Bella!


Anonymous said...

So glad for your sake the show will go on! So sad for those affected by the tornados.

OK, so a 7 year old can make a bow with your invention (most likely your brilliant gdaughter) but what about us "bow challenged" elders???? Should have tested it out with you know who!

Donna Ellis said...

good luck at the show, DD!